VH1 is running a new show in it's highly popular "I Love" series. This time it's "I Love Toys" and they are counting the top 100 toys of all time. Last night they showed
numbers 100-81, including such favorites as
Spirograph (#97), Chutes & Ladders (#95), My Little Pony (#85) and the Little Golden Books (#82). I decided to make a list of my top 20 favorite toys (I have not included toys that I love now but did not have as a child such as a nintendo, care bears...)- Barbie
- Wooden Blocks
- My Little Pony
- Baby Dolls
- Pound Puppies
- Baby-Sitters Club Books
- Sweet Valley Twins Books
- Lite Brite
- Crayons
- Candy Land
- Chutes & Ladders
- Legos
- Teddy Bear
- Etch-A-Sketch
- Spirograph
- Little Golden Books
- Play Dough
- Jump Rope
- View Master
- Goosebumps books by RL Stine
My list is a little 80s-centric, but hey, that's when I grew up:
20. Marble ramp that my grandpa made
19. Dominos
18. Hungry Hungry Hippos
17. Rubber band guns
16. Cap guns/grenades
15. Tinker toys
14. LEGO
13. Hot Wheels
12. Risk
11. Monopoly
10. Battleship
9. See n Say
8. Water balloons
7. Plastic machine guns
6. Big Wheel
5. Little green army guys
4. Transformers
3. Axis & Allies
2. GI Joe
1. Game consoles
Rubber Band Guns, Cap Guns, Plastic Machine Guns...such violence!
You're such a boy! ;)
Water balloons make great grenades!!!
I am not going to be creative and make a list but here are my faves; My Little Pony, Barbie, Cabbage Patch Dolls, Littlest Pet Shop, Pound Puppies, Candyland (I always used to cheat) Battleship, Water ballons, squirt guns (Super Soaker anybody?), Micro Machines, teddy bears (hello my nickname is bear so of course I loved and still love teddy bears), stuffed animals, Marble works (shared one w/ little brother), Sheera and He-Man. My little brother took the heads off of several of my toys, he decapitated my first Barbie, and then later broke her legs. He would take off the heads of My Little Ponies, take off the heads of his He-man guys and switch the heads, arms, legs with appendages from Teenage Munant Ninja Turtles, GI Joe, basically anything Golem could break, or take apart he did.
where are the smurfs at? I figured out about five years ago that I could seel my collection of smurfs and it would pay for almost two years at SLU (which would include tution, fees, room and board.)
My list is a little 50s/60s-centric. Yes, we actually had toys back then:
1. Lionel Train
2. Aurora HO Car set
3. AMT Models (cars)
4. Revell Models (planes)
5. Monogram Models (ships)
6. Schwinn bicycle
7. Roy Rogers 6 gun/holster set
8. Toy Thompson Machine Gun
9. Toy Bazooka
10.Hoola Hoop
13.Super Ball
16.Tonka Trucks
17.Mr.Potato Head
18.Pick-up Stiks
19.Balsa Rubber Band planes
20.Balsa Glider planes
I remember Mr. Potatoe Head!! He was soo much fun. I also liked Lite Brite, Puppy Suprise, and board games- 13 Dead End Drive was a fave game of mine. So much fun
HAHAHA Puppy Surprise...what a weird concept...the stuffed dog has a velcro stomach where you would get either three, four or five small "baby" dogs out of...you didn't know when you bought the package. I didn't have one but my sister did. Hers only had 3 "baby" dogs inside.
As for the smurfs...I know that I watched them as a kid, and I had smurf bed sheets, but I really don't remember the show much. My grandma had the little smurf figurines (for some reason...) that we'd always play with as a kid.
Some of the guys here at work have started recording the smurfs on tivo and watching them during lunch lately.
Ahhh, reading my dad's list, I realize that I left off the Aurora HO cars that we used to race. It was a ton of fun, my favorites were the 71 Camaro and the Dodge police interceptor with flashing red and blue lights. Good times.
It was pretty cool turning all the lights out in the basement and having the police car "chase down" the bandits. I watched "Smokey and the Bandit" wayyyy too many times. (But I suppose I'm ready if another CB radio craze hits...)
I think I gave it up after over-oiling the little electric motor and then never being able to beat my dad. And nothing's worse than losing to your dad every time!
Surprisingly, I can't remember what car my dad used to race. It might have been a Corvette or a '79 Trans Am.
Puppy Surprise is back again ...but now by a different name. My cousin Loren got one for Christmas or maybe it was her birthday. But I think she only got One doll.
My favorite HO cars were the '63 Corvette and the Rolls Royce. The Rolls was really slow, but it looked real cool lumbering around the track.
Maintenance was pretty high since we had a Golden Retriever whose fluffy hair would float onto the track and get knarled up in the axles. Same thing would happen to Tom's Hot Wheels cars. No wonder we nicknamed her Fuzzy Wuzzy!
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