This is seriously the best billboard I've ever seen (even better than the
KFC one that I wrote about a few months ago). It's located on north 55, just before you hit downtown. I haven't yet seen
Everybody's Nuts! Pistachios in the grocery store, but you better believe I'm going to try them when I do! It's a clean design, little spice with the logo sticking up over the billboard, and bold, easy to read text. I love it!
I've seen 2 other
Everybody's Nuts! Pistachios billboards in the St. Louis area - one says, "Everybody's Nuts, including you," (located on hwy 44 west as you're leaving the city limits) and the other proclaims, "Bigger than clydesdales!" (hwy 70 east near the Airport).
Nothing like marketing directly for your audience!
They took the billboard DOWN!
I am trying to see if that company has a website. Do you know if they do or not. I have also see one that say "As big as clydedales"...Its on east boub 70 across from the airport.
Snagged a box of the "Roasted & Salted" tonight at Shop 'n Save.
As the sign says, "in produce."
PS: they're pretty good!
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