We picked up our new chinny yesterday in Kansas City. His name is Sully, he's a 6 year old standard gray male chinchilla. He's kind of freaked out by his new home. After we put him in his new cage it took him a few minutes and then he started running up and down the ramps. He even checked out the leaping ledge in the cage. He's not sure about the wheel yet. He's fascinated by it, but he doesn't get how to use it yet. He kept running down and putting his paws on the wheel and then it'd start turning and he'd run back upstairs in the cage away from it.

Sully checking out the chew toys in his new cage.

Sully found the leaping ledge to be very interesting.

Finding a nice spot to sleep in his new box.
Sully looks happy. I'm so glad he has found such a great home!
What a cutie!! See only one chinny! ha!! Are y'all keeping the name Sully or renaming him? If you rename him, let his personality dictate the new name-all of our animals have earned their names! Esp. Loki! Wild child!
We're keeping the name Sully - it really fits his personality well. He's a verrrry laid back little chin. You should be proud of what a good boy he is, Cathy!
He's getting used to the new cage. He seems to enjoy sitting on a ledge above a pile of hay and eat it one blade at a time. We figure he will have the wheel puzzled out soon, since he spends a lot of time looking at it, as if trying to puzzle it out.
The girls (Schmoopy and Roo) are very curious about this mysterious new man in their room. Schmoopy will sit and stare at him (when she isn't begging treats, of course), and Roo alternates between staring and pouting.
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