We lost Mr. Ted this morning. We took him into the vet on Thursday morning, because he lost a lot of weight, wasn't eating or pooping. They kept him at the vet, but he passed away this morning. They said he had fatty liver disease. We don't know how old he was...I hope he lived a long chinchilla life.
Teddy enjoyed playing in the cardboard castle and begging for treats. He especially liked prunes. Teddy fatherred at least 8 children (including Fipsy, Schmoopy, Chip, Pepper, Ducky and Pokey).

Mrs Merc Man and I will miss Mr Teddy. He was sort of the patriarch of the Chinchilla clan. Sort of a fuzzy Papa Smurf.
Teddy was so quiet and calm, we're sure he's in a better place.
I am soo sorry about Teddy. He was a character. I agree w/ Merc Man about the Papa Smurf thing.
sorry for your loss....
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