Do you fancy park? Do you know what fancy parking is? I've just been enlightened by this website:
fancyparking.com. Aparently fancy parking is when you park in a parking spot with the front of your car facing out instead of the back. Basically backing into a spot or doing a pull-thru (my personal favorite way to park). The website also shows you other ways to achieve a fancy parking job. Check it out - it'll at least give you a laugh!
Loved the website. Both pharma companies I've worked for encouraged pull-through parking whenever possible. The "safe driving" training we had to take before getting the keys to a company car claims that backing up is the single greatest source of accidents. Problem is, it's hard to get to the trunk and all the samples, handouts, giveaways, etc, we carry if someone pulls in behind you and leaves about 3 inches of space between their bumper and your knees!
Pull thrus are my faves too. I did those so often when I had my permit, my parents call doing a pull through doing a "Jenny". I prefer to back into my spots at work or on campus, much easier when its time to go home. Of course I prefer pull throughs.
Some former colleagues of mine noticed that a certain group of people on the UMSL campus would very consistently "fancy park" along West Drive. We came to the conclusion that they were much safer this way, since they were much less likely to be creamed by someone in a runaway Powerstroke F250 blowing through campus.
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