The family (minus Cassy) came in on Saturday afternoon for the Greater St. Louis Band Festival and watched Hickman take fourth place in the silver division (congrats to the HHS band!).
Then on Sunday we went to church at St. Ann's, lunch at IHOP and then drove by the ol' Manhassett Village to see the building torn down. After that we went to the zoo. It is so funny how all animals act similar. We saw the sea lions with the same look as Fipsy waiting for their treats, a chimp sitting at the very highest spot he possibly could (just like the Fipster who has been trying to climb from the castle in the bedroom onto the windowsill because he likes to sit up high. He runs around the room looking up to try to figure out how he can get to the high as he can.)
And last but not least, the black bear was making sure all systems were working, just like Fipsy does on a regular basis. Yes the bear in the picture is doing what you think he's doing!
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