Monthly Mr. Bear Picture
(notice how she can sit supported now instead of laying on the bear?)
So much growing, so many new things this month...
- No doctor check-up this month, but her "unofficial" weight taken at home was 14 lbs
- Started off the 3rd month with her baptism
- She hates bottles now and screams VERY loudly if you attempt to offer her one
- Seems to live by the motto, "Daddy is for talking, Mommy is for eating" as she talks and plays with Daddy but if she's hungry or needs to be comforted, she needs Mommy.
- She's very attached to blankets, thanks to Daddy using them to distract her during diaper changes. She likes to grab onto the blankets and chew on them, and also play "where's the baby" where you cover her head with the blanket and she kicks and pulls it off.
- She finally seems to like the baby swings, and tolerates being put in them for short periods of time.
- She still won't sleep in the crib, but she likes to lay in the crib and watch the mobile
- She LOVES to watch TV (and anything that resembles a TV - including Daddy's cell phone, the ipad and the laptops). She especially likes to watch Cardinal baseball games with Daddy.
- She lifts her head 90 degrees on her stomach and can hold her head up for very long periods of time now. We sit her in her bumbo in the middle of the table during meals now so she can feel a part of the meals.
- She babbles and coos a lot, and she has conversations with Daddy. She has also invented the "get louder game" where she gets louder and louder with each babble back and forth with Daddy until they are shouting at each other. She also talks to her blanket, and Grandma and Grandpa's golden retriever Daisy.
- She likes to play, especially with the toys in the bath (she has picked up the ducky in the bath a couple times), and also with "crinkle birdie," a toy that Grandma got her that makes a crinkle noise when you grasp it. Another game we play is the "up and down game" where you grab her hands and pull her to a sitting position and then gently lay her back down again.
- She recognizes her name - even when strangers say it. When we got her 3 month pictures taken at JCPenney, the photographer said her name and she lifted her head high to look at her.
- She got to ride in the stroller without a carseat a few times, but she doesn't quite have the trunk control to sit up in the stroller.
- She rolled from her tummy to her back
- Daddy let her lick a tater tot and she found it quite tasty!
- We watched fireworks on July 3, and she wasn't frightened of them, after Daddy lifted her from the stroller and pointed to the pretty lights in the sky she watched them in amazement.
- On the night before she turned 3 months old she slept through the night (8 hours!)
- She grew out of most of the 0-3 and 3 month clothes this month and is now wearing 3-6 or 6 month clothes.

Holding up my head
Sitting in my bumbo chair, watching TV with Daddy
(one of my favorite activities)
Playing with my toy "crinkle birdie" that my Grandma gave me.
My baptism