Thursday, August 24, 2006

My first grade teacher was wrong!

Astronomers have declared that Pluto is no longer a planet! those children's space books...they'll be collectors items in a few years! We'll say to each other, "remember when they used to have Pluto in these books" when our children are learning about the planets.

You probably used some sort of an acronym to remember the order of the planets - something like "My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas." What will school children use now to remember the planets???

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune...


JBear1982 said...

Crap! My mom does a unit on the planets! Good thing I'm out of school. If Pluto is not a planet, then are there 10 planets or 8 or what?

Anonymous said...

I love that they were considering adding three new planets to the solar system and then the results come out and they subtract one. Pluto is now cosidered a dwarf planet.


Merc Man said...

I'm not worried about the science textbooks. I'm wondering what happens to Mickey Mouse's dog?