My Blogs

Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 30

Just 10 more weeks until baby girl is here! At the doctor yesterday, my belly measured 31 cm, which corresponds to "31 weeks," so she's still measuring big (but plus or minus 2 cm from the week you are at is considered the normal range).  The glucose tolerance test and anemia blood work from the last appointment were both normal, and I'm now 8.5 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight (but add in the 16 that I lost and gained back for the total pregnancy weight gain so far).

My prenatal swimming class is going well, but sleeping not so much. I have to get up every 2 hours to use the bathroom through the night, and acid reflux/heart burn makes it difficult to find a comfortable position - and once I find a position that works for that, my back or hips start hurting. And to top it off, the random, vivid dreams I have when I actually do fall asleep keep me from sleeping very restfully.

We've made a little progress on baby girl's room, one wall and the closet are now primed...hopefully the whole room will be primed by the end of the below...


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