My Blogs

Saturday, January 30, 2010

31 weeks - elbows!

Baby girl discovered her elbows this week...I woke up Thursday morning with something hard and pointy sticking out of my side, after rubbing it for a minute she moved away from the spot. She still moves a lot, but since she has less room in there, her kicks aren't as hard.

This afternoon Chili heard a baby crying on tv and got scared and took off from daddy and went running around the house - here's to hoping this isn't a sign of things to come!


We went shopping for carpet for her room today and found a couple carpet remnants at Becky's carpet that are very cheap (less than $1/sq ft!) and are nice and soft. I think we're leaning toward the carpet remnant on the right...the pics were taken with my camera phone though so the color isn't as accurate as seeing it in person.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 30

Just 10 more weeks until baby girl is here! At the doctor yesterday, my belly measured 31 cm, which corresponds to "31 weeks," so she's still measuring big (but plus or minus 2 cm from the week you are at is considered the normal range).  The glucose tolerance test and anemia blood work from the last appointment were both normal, and I'm now 8.5 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight (but add in the 16 that I lost and gained back for the total pregnancy weight gain so far).

My prenatal swimming class is going well, but sleeping not so much. I have to get up every 2 hours to use the bathroom through the night, and acid reflux/heart burn makes it difficult to find a comfortable position - and once I find a position that works for that, my back or hips start hurting. And to top it off, the random, vivid dreams I have when I actually do fall asleep keep me from sleeping very restfully.

We've made a little progress on baby girl's room, one wall and the closet are now primed...hopefully the whole room will be primed by the end of the below...


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your only hint about her name...

This is the only hint you're getting, and it's only because I spent the weekend painting and decorating the letters in her name to hang in her room and I'm so happy with how they came out I had to share one with you. The letters are 8 inches tall. And no I'm not telling you whether it's the first, last or a letter in the middle of her name (but you can safely rule out MY name as a possibility - ha).

Baby's Room - Before

As of this past weekend, the baby girl's room is cleared out and ready to be worked on. Schmoopy seems to be doing pretty good in her new digs (right next to my desk in my office!), and has already learned that she gets more treats being right next to me all day.

Below are the "before" pictures.

View from the door, looking at the closet, which will be getting new
6 panel doors to match those in the rest of the house

This corner will have her rocking chair.

Looking from the closet out toward the door to the hallway.

This is the corner where her crib and dresser will go.
(Tom couldn't wait and put her light switch plate up already...)

Friday, January 08, 2010

28 weeks - "on the big side"

At our doctor appointment yesterday, the doctor said after measuring my belly that "if anything, she's measuring on the big side." Figures huh - especially since there's still more than 2 months left and my maternity clothes barely cover my belly anymore! I had the 1-hour glucose tolerance test at the doctor yesterday, which screens for gestational diabetes - fingers crossed that the test comes back negative.

Check out this awesome 3D ultrasound of a baby at 28 weeks. She's extremely active, always moving around and has started getting in some pretty strong kicks lately. Yesterday Tom was like "was that her?!" in response to one of her kicks. She also likes to stretch - I call that "baby yoga."

Saturday, January 02, 2010

27 Weeks - We're in the 3rd Trimester!

Here we are at the beginning of the 3rd trimester! It's hard to believe that baby girl will be born sometime in the next 11-14 weeks (most babies within 2 weeks before their due date to 1 week after). Starting next week I'm taking a prenatal aquatic exercise class at the YMCA.

Still no cravings but I did have a couple instances of "pregnancy brain" the other day...first at breakfast, I filled a glass with milk, then went back to the fridge to get the butter out. Instead of getting the butter out though I filled another glass with milk and didn't even realize until I went to carry my plate into the dining room and I had 2 cups of milk and no butter on my english muffins. That same day for lunch I was making myself a quesadilla and after flipping the quesidilla I proceeded to put the used turner back in the drawer (realized only after searching the kitchen for the turner when I needed to flip again...).