Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Could you pass the U.S. citizenship test?

Could you pass the U.S. citizenship test? Try it here for free!

I got an 80% on it, missed 4 of the 20 questions. Three of the four I just flat out didn't know, and the fourth I didn't read close enough.


Merc Man said...

I got a 90%. I messed up on identifying which Amendment did not address voting rights and the name of the form applying for citizenship. And how come there's no "right to tools" in the Constitution?

gimlet said...

Depends on how you use your firearms...

gimlet said...

Ah, I also did not know the proper naturalization form. I guess this means I have to go back to St. Johns Hospital?

JBear1982 said...

I got an 85% I guessed on a few of them. I missed the who can declare war, how many supreme justices, and how many represenatives there are. Hehe...I knew the citizenship one...

Merc Man said...

Wouldn't it be wild if the 2nd Amendment did cover tools? Nobody better ever infringe my right to router bits!