My Blogs

Friday, March 17, 2006

Time never stops.

Lately I've been thinking about how fast time has been going. When you're a kid, it seems like forever from the beginning of the school year to the end. Nine whole months. Tom and I have been engaged for nine months now, and it feels like we just got engaged yesterday.

It's funny how time works. Tomorrow I'm spending the afternoon/evening with some family friends that I haven't seen since July 2003. Two and a half years, and I've finally found time to get together with them again. Where does the time go? The weeks have been flying by. I mean to reply to an email and before I know it, it's been 2 or 3 months and I still haven't talked to the person. Another six months pass and I don't even know where the person lives anymore. Another year and it's like we never even met.

Hold on to good friends. It seems that you have to work to stay together sometimes.


  1. Time has certainly been flying. With all the wedding preparations, financial planning, and everything else, it's been pretty busy. Add in work and all it entails, and it's been downright hectic.

    I used to wonder where all of my friends that were engaged or married disappeared to. To the rest of us, it seemed like a big disappearing act, but, boy, now I know better. I was talking to one of my groomsmen, who's getting married next week himself, and we both laughed when we realized that neither of us had really seen anyone non-family in the last year. In a way, it was strangely comforting.

    In the immortal words of my father, "what are ya gonna do?"

  2. I believe the exact 'Homer-esque' quote is, "Yeah, but whadda ya gonna do?"

  3. I know what you mean by this. I hardly see anyone anymore. If you think planning a wedding is hard just wait until you have a baby you slowly find out that you don't relate to your old friends anymore.

  4. Isn't that why the guy threw the clock out the window? He wanted to see time fly!
