My Blogs

Monday, January 16, 2006

Dish Network vs. Lifetime

So Dish Network replaced Lifetime and the Lifetime Movie Network with other women's tv channels today. I guess this means the negotioations are at a standstill. All I have to say is that it doesn't matter who is wrong, just get my freaking Lifetime back on tv!


  1. If worse comes to worse, you can always watch ESPN or SPEED!

  2. ESPN is a good channel, I am a fan of FSN myself.

  3. Just goes to show that a la carte channel selection is definitely the way to go. We're currently paying for 150 channels, but watch a small fraction of it. Outside of Comedy Central, the History Channel, Cartoon Network (Adult Swim!), HGTV, and the broadcast channels, we don't watch much.

    FSMW and ESPN are useful during baseball season, but that's about it. SPEED has been lackluster since getting bought up by ESPN and beind dedicated to overcovering NASCAR.

    Also, (with apologies to JBear) but I really don't need five or six Spanish-language channels. Unless they started showing that "Monsignor Martinez" show from "King of the Hill," of course.
