My Blogs

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Crappy Websites

So in the midst of planning a wedding I have been awakened to the large number of crappy websites out there. Ok, so I already knew there were a lot of crappy websites, but you'd think that in the wedding business, with how competitive it is, and how much people use the web for research etc. regarding their wedding, that businesses would want to stand out in the crowd. But aparently not. Either that or they are in need of a good web designer (and/or QA department!) Here are just a few examples of wedding website problems

  • Bridal Shops that hand out fliers at bridal shows that have their website address on them. When you go to that address it says "this domain has expired" or "site coming soon" or my favorite "site no longer exists". Hello! I am going to your website to see what you've got, to see if it's worth my time to visit your store!
  • Yesterday I was researching DJs and came across one in town who had their website address on their flier. I went to the website and it hadn't been updated for nearly two years. I went to the "date checker" to see if our date is available and the drop down for year had "2003, 2004, 2005". Maybe you should update your site if you want business!
  • Dress designers sites that are so hard to navigate you don't know where to find the dress you're looking for.
  • Websites where you fill out a form for more info, click the submit button and it come up with a page that says "sorry your form could not be submitted." Thanks for telling me now after I've spent the time to fill in all the fields! (another DJ's website had this problem. Needless to say, I crossed them off my list!)

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